
Marin Attack Trail C-XT9

I know that I was in a morning sleepy stupor of a mental state as I lay in bed agonizing over my fat ankle from the torching it unjustly received the day before. As a result my mental state was hazy. But I know this. I specifically said: Do not ride anything that we don’t have access too. This I know to be true.

Fast forward 8 hours. I may have still been in bed. Actually, I don’t really remember much of that day, except for the phone call on the way home…”We rode the new Marin Attack Trail. It was Awesome! Dillon loves it too!” Insert distant voice in the background… “It’s really good Brian, she’s not kidding”. Did she say Marin? Did she mean Intense? Maybe Santa Cruz? Not sure. Hmm, I think they said Marin
Marin Attack Trail
When they arrived at home, the banter continued. It climbed like this. It descended like that. Insert hyperbole, bro speak and the words…agile, nimble, playful…etc, etc, etc, on and on. I almost thought they were joking at first. BUT, I know that these two jokers are really hard to please. Bri almost NEVER likes any other bikes except for her own. Dillon had just demo’d another big companies’ 650B offering and despite giving it an honest go, he never spoke of it with this much enthusiasm, even after multiple rides, let alone a single test loop.
I know that Marin is a major sponsor of the California Enduro Series. I know that Marin has put a ton of development into their new line of bikes and checking them out has revealed that they look pretty spanky. I know that their top shelf pro Kyle Warner just garnered the highest honor in the NAET after an impressive clutch performance at the final round. I know that one of my first mountain bikes ever, was an Indian Fire Trail…yup, pretty sweet that it is still running almost 15 years later to the day!
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What I don’t know is how I could have missed such a sweet demo day! At the very least, they had a blast and learned that you never know what you think you know, until you actually can know what you know. Sounds like the Marin Attack knows what’s up…and down.